Saturday, July 27, 2024 4:12 AM


Information Commissioners Decision re Medical Records

Inspector Adrian Smiles, a Northumbria Police officer, and vice chairman of the Northumbria Police Federation has asked the ICO to rule on the matter of demanding full medical records from birth. The artificially high, SMP imposed,  glass ceiling of a PPA’s definition of attendance has been smashed and put beyond doubt by the Information Commissioner in the declaration that such [...]

2017-11-30T13:09:19+00:00November 30th, 2017|Categories: Latest News|

Historical Medical records

In a recent decision, in the case of Joe Herring, ex Avon and Somerset Constabulary, the Information Commissioner confirmed the retiree should have returned to him, his historical medical records. Should any of our members wish to have their historical records returned from NIPB,DOJNI or PSNI then a written application should be submitted, requesting return.   [...]

2017-10-14T19:24:51+01:00October 14th, 2017|Categories: Latest News|

Specified Adult Childcare Credits

Retired people who are  a couple of years short of the 35 years necessary to receive the full old age pension and  have a grandchild under 12 years can claim National Insurance Credits through this scheme.   Full details are available on the Government Web site.

2018-10-22T08:37:54+01:00April 27th, 2017|Categories: Latest News|


There is financial help for those who are disabled or are over 65 years old. This could be for home help e.g. washing, cleaning/general house duties or showering etc. Shopping and other types of assistance are also included. Please see the above web sites for details and contact office for help if necessary. The staff at [...]

2017-02-25T09:52:00+00:00February 25th, 2017|Categories: Latest News|