News Letter Articles on Loughinisland
News Letter's series of articles on the 1994 Loughinisland murders, which ran from 11th - 15th February 2019...
CONTACTING HM Revenue and Customs
Tax matters for Retired Officers are dealt with by the Cardiff Office of HMRC, because of this it is not possible for Retired Officers to register for online Tax matters. The contact number is 03000 534 730 The Office is open Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm The contact address is:- HMRC Public Departments 1 6 [...]
Contacting Police Pension Branch
Contacting Police Pension Branch
“Some members, if not all, will be aware detectives from Bedfordshire Constabulary will...........
Legacy Article in Belfast Newsletter
An article has appeared in the Belfast Newsletter in connection with the proposed draft Legacy Bill, click on the link below to read it.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement Northern Ireland Retired Police Officers Association The NIRPOA is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of all members. We will not share any personal data that is collected from any members, without your consent. This Privacy Statement is in place to set out how we will use any data collected. Information collected on users [...]