Change to Office Opening Hours
With effect from 30th July 2018, the Office at Maryfield will be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm, the contact number is still 028 9039 3568, outside these hours leave a message and someone will make contact with you as soon as possible. If your query is in relation to the various Insurance Schemes [...]
Judicial Review in connection with the Loughinisland Report
On the 9th March 2018 Lord Justice McCloskey made a ruling which is contained in the PDF below:- Judicial Review 9 March 2018
Police Widows Pensions
There appears to be some uncertainty regarding widow’s pension entitlement. Prior to April 1972, widow’s entitlement was one third. The Police Pensions Regulations changed in 1972, and pension contributions increased to 7%. This increased the widow’s pension to a half. The Regulations allowed those in service, prior to April 1972 to enhance their pre April 1972 widow entitlement to a [...]
Information Commissioners Decision re Medical Records
Inspector Adrian Smiles, a Northumbria Police officer, and vice chairman of the Northumbria Police Federation has asked the ICO to rule on the matter of demanding full medical records from birth. The artificially high, SMP imposed, glass ceiling of a PPA’s definition of attendance has been smashed and put beyond doubt by the Information Commissioner in the declaration that such demands of personal and [...]
Historical Medical records
In a recent decision, in the case of Joe Herring, ex Avon and Somerset Constabulary, the Information Commissioner confirmed the retiree should have returned to him, his historical medical records. Should any of our members wish to have their historical records returned from NIPB,DOJNI or PSNI then a written application should be submitted, requesting return. Individual retired officers can [...]
Haven Solicitors are offering the review service in the PDF below. HAVEN FIXED FEE RE NIRPOA REVIEWS 21.07.17